
My blog

This will just be a blog about me. About my life, my issues, as much as I feel like telling. I'm going to try to be honest with this blog, and not hold anything back. If you don't like what you hear, you don't have to stay, I don't want to offend anyone. This isn't going to be a depressing blog most of the time, but there will be times I'll have to vent. I hope you can enjoy this insight into me and my life.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The non-apologetic blog title.

I've decided to not apologize for not blogging. I will blog when I want to, not when my readers demand. It's my life after all, all about me and stuff, and...and.....I'M SOOOO SORRY!!!!! I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON!!! I SHOULD DIE!!!! Just be merciful....think of all the crappy blogs I've given you so far.....those counted for something, right...?

OK, since I don't think I blogged about it, my whole family knows about moi and are fine with it. My grandparents are supportive. Mom and I were talking about how one aunt might react, so when she came over and did exactly what we were talking about when she found was too funny. Mom told her what to say without me knowing, so she just walks over (in front of my grandma, mind you) and says "So I hear you're a fag.". It was hilarious! I was so NOT expecting it. Another of my aunts came and hugged me, it was so nice. ^.^

Also, almost all my friends know. There are only three (not counting parents) that don't...and they're all guys...I've never outright, by myself, told a guy I'm gay. >_> David told one of his friends, and my dad asked me. I don't know how to tell them...if I should do it over Skype, or in person, or never. >.<

Vampire Diaries...oh the wonder...the humor...the drama...the shmexiness...the show just ended it's second season, and I can't WAIT for the next! Such plot twists! The character deaths sadden me...but otherwise, fantastic.

Speaking of TVD, I'm now on Twitter. My name is GayVampire. Look for the picture with a Mangekyou Sharingan. :p Mostly to follow the celebrities I like admittedly...I joined when I found out the guy who plays Alaric Saltzman is there. Then Damon...oh awesome, sexy Damon...but anyway! >.> Chris Colfer, the guy who plays Kurt on Glee (which I am now a HUUUUGE fan of by the way, little surprise there) is also there, and he's awesome.

I've gotten bad about writing my book...but I am over 80,000 words I believe, so I've beaten HP1 officially. ^.^

I'll be done for now...possibly write more later.

Inner Dragon