
My blog

This will just be a blog about me. About my life, my issues, as much as I feel like telling. I'm going to try to be honest with this blog, and not hold anything back. If you don't like what you hear, you don't have to stay, I don't want to offend anyone. This isn't going to be a depressing blog most of the time, but there will be times I'll have to vent. I hope you can enjoy this insight into me and my life.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Continued in the same week? Whaaat??!!

I know, right? What did you do to deserve TWO blog posts so close together?! You guys are pretty special, I tell you what.

So, I also have pink eye now, in addition to a cold, but I got antibiotic eyedrops (which are apparently a thing) and should be non contagious within 24 hours. Which is good, because today's Wednesday and I graduate GCC on Friday.

Yeah. I'm graduating college. Who'da thunk it? I'm gonna miss all the cute guys on campus, including a couple of the professors. Yes, Professor Deiss, you're a very nerdy type of person, and I would go down on you until you forgot your name. He was so nice and helpful, and every class of his was entertaining, very rarely any boring parts or assignments. He does his job well, and if I remember correctly I think he's married...sadly.

Kids, use, for the LOVE of GOD. It's so helpful, and has saved me from many horrible professors, and gotten me some of the best, including Mr. Sexy Nerd up there. ^

So baby was born, and my brother's girlfriend had...complications. She's fine now, but they had to remove her uterus, so she can never biologically have kids of her own's a very sad thing to think about. I don't know what I would do myself in that situation, besides be a weird mix of sad and thankful. I haven't met the baby yet, and I've heard the two of them are fine, so I'm hoping that they'll be able to get through this OK. I'm slightly worried about my brother, but given what I've heard from others, I think he'll manage being a dad pretty well.

There's another guy I have a semi crush on, and he's not from work. He's in a band! But I'm not like a crazy fangirl or anything (although his music is awesome), I met him before I knew about his music. His name is Aaron, which is always the name I thought I'd change mine to some day if I kept on not liking Andrew. He and his band are still sort of new, but they have a pretty OK fan base as far as I know. But he's rather cute, and seems like a nice guy, if perhaps a little eccentric. Which is probably a good thing, since not enough people are. He also keeps himself in good shape...unlike with Dan, I've felt this for myself. >.>  Haven't done a whole lot with him yet, but I want to do more. We'll see if it happens.

I could talk about shows...not too hugely in the mood...part of me wants to maybe write some fanfiction here, just to have it down. Maybe I'll consider that.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Life on my own....but with others.

So, I'm sick with a fever and looking over weird porn videos, so maybe the combination prompted me wanting to blog? Somehow...?

Don't ask us, not its business.

I know it's been...a while, to say the least. It's freaking May. Of 2016. Things have changed a lot, mostly for the better I think, depending.

I feel the weird desire to put more spaces between my paragraph things. I don't know why. MaybeIshouldtrynospacesatall?


Scratch that.

More spaces!!!

I'm sorry, I'm a tad loopy. So, attempting to start with what's most important, my brother and his girlfriend have their baby due today at some point. At least, I assume it will be "today", as it's after's mother's day! Don't worry, I got her some wooden roses, and am loosely planning on getting her Hannibal: Season...something...the last one, whatever it is. She hasn't seen it, and I have, and adore the amazingly gay ending!

I just hit enter a lot to give myself more room. It's refreshing. A a a a a a h h h h!! Look at all this space! Speaking of more space: I moved out, and am living with my two best friends! But back to that later: The Babu. I'm going to be the freaking Gay Uncle. And I can't be at the hospital because I'm sick with a stupid fever. Possibly because I work at Walgreens where a lot of sick people go.

Oh, didn't I tell you? I work at Walgreens now. I thought I mentioned. Wow, I've gotten so used to my iPod just typing this much makes my hands sore. That's sad, and shows you how little writing I do...ever. Gay uncle...little brother gonna have a baby...well HE'S not having the baby, but

So, Walgreens. Great place to work for a while, but I'm in the process of trying to move on. I want to find a job I really like, not just one with good coworkers like this one and my last one at the diner have/had/Hadhod might be the name of a dwarf I made up in a video game once...LOTR game maybe? I've worked there since June of 2014...woooow that should not feel like that long ago. But it does. I like a lot of my coworkers, have thought many of them were/are cute, but a lot of people have come and gone since I've been there. I think they have a problem keeping people on because they just don't pay enough.

So, I know you're all waiting to hear about the cute guys. If I were reading, I would want to hear about them too. This is normally where I would put a winky face in all my Grindr chats, but I just can't. They look too silly. I just had to check I spelt Grindr correctly. >_<  OK, that smiley is OK. I'm rambling, I'm sorry. >_____<

So, there have been a few guys that have worked at Walgreens that I've liked for different reasons. Warning, this might get NSFW and Adult in a way that my blogs haven't before, but I've changed a bit since my last entries. Of course most of the guys I like HAVE to be my managers, because why not? Pat is the first one that comes to mine, very much a DILF (kids, be sure to look that one up! please don't, you'll get me grounded). Quite tan, in shape, probably 40s...and kind of chummy. Like...buddy, punch you in the arm in a well meaning kind of way, with a cocky, gum chewing smirk that just made me think he would absolutely piledrive someone in bed. His girlfriend is probably pretty lucky. He wears leather JACKETS, and drives a MOTORCYCLE, and uuuggghh, all the manangers have to wear vests while working. VESTS darn it!!

Yeah, I bolded that. You wanna go? Punk?

JJ is another hottie; tall (we're talking 6 feet 5 inches at least), handsome, playful, friendly...I think he's either black, or half black, with gorgeous skin and adorable hair. He has arm veins...those are a weakness of mine. If any of you exploit, I brought it on myself. I should probably be talking about my brother's baby...but she isn't born yet...we'll wait till she's here. >_>  So, JJ is always really playful and we go back and forth with witty or playful comments...he's sort of someone I could see being good relationship material, and I would also LOVE to see what he has under those not just in his pants, just everywhere.

We had a couple other hotties, but Pat recently got a job elsewhere, and the others had issues. One was a musclebound body builder type with lips that looked like they were MADE for sucking...on a lolipop. But he was kind of an airhead, lazy, and I think he used his good looks to charm his way into hanging around the other managers without doing much actual work. The other felt borderline psycho, where some of my coworkers didn't feel safe around him. He was cute, and in great shape, but...I wouldn't envy anyone dating him.

And then, there's Dan...I just don't quite get it. Logically, I should probably be more inclined towards others. There's just something about him that He admittedly has amazing hair, which I want to touch, and beautiful eyes...I have a theory that I like guys with that Itachi eye crease thing going on. Or Castiel/Misha Collins (I don't know if I'll have time to get into Supernatural, but oh my Chuck, so good, and I ship Destiel so hard). But...I don't know...he reminds me a little bit of Eeyore, from Winnie the Pooh. He comes across a little quiet or depressed, but I don't think he is, I think that's just how it seems. I do find myself wanting to comfort him, or make him happy, or...something, but...I find myself never knowing what to say or do. I'm so much more comfortable treating everyone else a certain way, whether being physical or being goofy, but with him I'm just so much more reserved and careful because I sort of have a crush on him....

Feelings suck, kids. Don't ever catch them. Except sometimes. I saw him in a freaking t-shirt and jeans...those vests are sexy, but he's right, they add 10 pounds, which I couldn't even COMPLIMENT him about not having because I was too nervous!!

I'm so good with people until it's the ones I want to be with. And I'm such a slut these last couple years, you'd think I'd be getting better at being like "how YOU doin?". Yes, I watched Friends. ALL of it. So good, so good, I've gotta you...I'm tired. I shouldn't be blogging, buuuuut here I am!

So, I'm living with roommates now...speaking of Friends...and it's going pretty gosh darn well so far. I'm the Fifth Wheel, which I capitalized because I think it sounds like a good name for a band, but I don't mind.

...there's a little "complain to google" button in the lower right corner of my screen, and I'm dying to press it just to see what it is. But I will resist.

My roommates are two of my best friends (both girls, Alyssa and Alison) and their boyfriends. All our names start with A...we should have a giant A on the front of our house. Except Tony Stark would sue us for stealing the Avenger's whole shtick. The only real complaint I have so far is the state of the house and how dirty and cluttered it is. I shouldn't have to navigate the kitchen like a maze. But, my laziness wins out often over my cleanliness, so I sort of let it slide more than I should. They both have boyfriends now, though I find myself a bit jealous of BOTH parties because A. They have boyfriends. And B. My best friends have less time for me. But that's just inner selfishness talking, I'm really happy for both of them. Their boyfriends seem pretty cool, unlike my mother's boyfriend turned husband.

Dennis is a DICK!!

Underlined, bold, enlarged, and italicized. For emphasis.

I'm not sure how much I want to get into it, even here...but he's hurt my mom. Physically. Multiple times. And she still hasn't left him. He just got a job, and she says he's a lot better because of it, but I'm just desperately hoping that either it stays that was, or he leaves, or she kicks him out...he's just so lazy, cruel, obnoxious...I don't get it, at all.

There's more that's happened, but it's late, I'm sick, and should be sleeping. For now, I'll leave you with saying life had difficulties, but altogether it's been going well, and I'm pretty happy so far. Better job might help...oh! And GCC graduation is on the 13th!...Friday the 13th, who thought that was a good idea?

Andrew (if this is the last you hear of me, blame lame horror movie premonitions)